Q: Wtf is this?

That's an infClass evolution which was ported to 0.7 then evolved and now I am porting it back to ddnet. This mod supports 0.6 and 0.7 protocols thanks to ddnet devs.

Q: Whats different?

Here is a comparison table: https://www.notion.so/influck/7d7e6e992ea14e68aa2ab02860601dde?v=ce4ff81cefe64e879ae828efc8fab02f

Q: Zombies choosing classes seems op?

Yes, it seems like that if you come from infClass. But as you've played infLuck you will find out that the game is indeed balanced. Some zombie classes are not instakill and some are selectable only for 1 zombie player.

Q: If zombies cannot instakill does that mean that humans are even stronger now?

It doesn't mean it. Humans are still strong but the game is more balanced now. I was concerned that playing as a zombie was mostly a frustrating process. So zombie are given new abilities and classes. Like Freezer, Poisoner:



Q: Wtf is infLuck anyways?

80% it is an infClass: same idea, mostly the same classes

First there was an infClass and many of it's flavours (breton's). It was for 0.6 universe ofc. Then the game considered to be finished and it just stays as it was. In 2019-2020 yavl starting to make a port to 0.7 server base and he have changed a lot in it. For example: added savepoints to zombies and safezones (like in PUBG) for humans. later it was abandoned halfway and the port didn't finished. But the game was quite different and 0.7 folks loved it. 2 months ago I've started updating it with features and classes and found a team which helps me with it. It was 0.7-only but thanks to noby I've decided to make the game multiprotocol. And I've half finished this.

Q: Wtf is infLuckFng?

That's a mode I've added for fun while working on a ddnet port of infLuck. And yes, that's a ddnet port. Some weapons are to be ported so I've decided to take a fng map and change Die to Freeze just to make testing the mod fun.

Q: You sure like working on infclass mods

I am :smile: When I've started the project I was sure 0.6 scene doesn't exist. And that DDNet is about DDRace only. Later I've found out there are servers for infClass still alive. But at this point I had a quite differently evolved mod with a different gameplay but still familiar for old infClass players.

Q: What's with that graphic UI for class selection from infClass?

it's too complex to develop. It's just not a priority. Graphic UI is very nice and I am planning to add this to infLuck too. But there is so much advanced code trickery involved that this is a hard task for me atm. And I have other priorities: add more classes, invent more features and port the game to ddnet to make it more widely available. Right now we have 100 players weekly which is not much really.

Q: Why are you doing it?